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Native Animal Damage Mitigation Permits
Damage mitigation permits are obtained by request through the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (QLD) and Park's and Wildlife (NSW) for native pest animals and birds that are causing damages and problems such as; Kangaroos, swallows, ibis, crows, magpies and butcher birds, cockatoos and noisy myna birds.
We also hold a removal and relocation permit for possums and scrub turkeys, as well as most other common native species . There are a number of native pest animals classified as species of 'less concern', but measures must be taken to ensure that native animals can be un-disbursed or re-located before lethal action is required.
RJMVPC can incorporate a number of non-lethal methods for the disbursal and re-location of native pest animals such as traps, laser's, non-lethal ammunition, pyrotechnic fright/scare devices and nets.
A minimum of 2 non-lethal control methods are required by the EHP before approval is given for lethal control. You may already have some of these in place such as; bird spiking, fencing, reflectors and netting. We can assess your problem and fix it fast.
RJMVPC abides by the safe handling and care required by the state governments authorities under the Animal Protection Act 2002, Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Dept of Environment and Heritage Protection.
Under Section 88 (2) of Nature Conservation Act 1992 it states “A person must not take a protected animal unless the person is an authorised person or the taking is authorised under this Act.
‘Animal’ is defined in the Act as:
“any member of the animal kingdom (other than human), (whether alive or dead), and includes -
(a) Any
(ii) bird
(b) the whole or part of –
(i) the progeny, larvae, pupae, eggs or genetic or reproductive material of an animal
‘Take’ in the Act includes:
(a) In relation to an animal –
(i) Hunt, shoot, woud, kill, skin, poison, net, snare, spear, trap, catch, dredge for, bring ashore or abourd a boat, pursue, lure, injure or harm the animal
(ii) Attempt to do an act mentioned in subparagraph (i)
Australian Swallows
Australian Swallows
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